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BLM: Harris a "dictatorship" candidate

By GZR News on August 30, 2024

ConspiraciesMiddle EastNewsWorld News

In a surprising turn of events, Black Lives Matter (BLM) publicly denounced Kamala Harris’s nomination as the Democratic National Committee’s (DNC) presidential candidate. This statement, released on July 23, 2024, raised eyebrows and sparked discussions about the democratic process within the party. Why did this significant news go largely unnoticed until now?

Key Takeaways

  • BLM criticized the undemocratic process behind Harris’s nomination.
  • The media largely ignored BLM’s statement, raising questions about coverage priorities.
  • The call for a snap primary reflects deeper concerns about representation and voter choice.

BLM’s Stance on Kamala Harris

Black Lives Matter’s statement was clear: they do not endorse Kamala Harris. They described the process that led to her nomination as reminiscent of a dictatorship, emphasizing that it lacked democratic principles. BLM argued that the DNC’s actions were orchestrated by elites, sidelining the voices of the voters.

The organization pointed out that Joe Biden was pressured to step aside, and the selection of Harris was made without a proper primary vote. This situation, they argued, undermines the very essence of democracy.

The Media’s Silence

What’s particularly striking is the media’s response—or lack thereof. Despite the significance of BLM’s statement, major news outlets like CNN and MSNBC seemed to overlook it. Only a few platforms, such as Fox News and Reuters, covered the story. This raises questions about the media’s role in shaping public discourse and their responsibility to report on critical issues.

The Call for a Snap Primary

BLM’s statement included a demand for a snap primary. They argued that the current political landscape does not reflect the will of the voters. The organization highlighted that many black voters felt their voices were ignored in the nomination process. They insisted that the DNC must respect democratic values and allow voters to have a say in their candidates.

Historical Context

While Harris is often touted as a historic candidate, BLM reminded the public that she is not the first black woman to run for president. Previous candidates have existed since the 1970s, but they were often overlooked in the primaries. This context adds depth to BLM’s criticism, suggesting that the narrative surrounding Harris’s candidacy may be more about optics than genuine representation.

The Democratic Party’s Dilemma

BLM’s statement also pointed to a broader issue within the Democratic Party. They accused party elites and billionaire donors of manipulating the electoral process, which they believe undermines the party’s commitment to democracy. The organization argued that while the potential for a Harris presidency may be historic, the process leading to it must align with true democratic values.


The BLM statement serves as a wake-up call for both the Democratic Party and the media. It highlights the need for transparency and accountability in the electoral process. As the political landscape continues to evolve, the voices of marginalized communities must be prioritized. The call for a snap primary is not just about Kamala Harris; it’s about ensuring that democracy is upheld and that every vote counts.

In a time when political tensions are high, it’s crucial to listen to all voices and ensure that the democratic process is respected. The future of democracy depends on it.

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